Event Details:
Event will be catered, meaning definitely some thanksgiving turkey and the
usual fixin's. You'll be sure to find some shred, some four square, maybe
some net, definitely tunes (live band(s)?), maybe some of the FSU Hip hop
club (breakdancing), and We'll get some more randomness and partying in on
it :)
We're gonna hold it Saturday so we can maximize participants (thanksgiving
and all...). If you're planning on coming up Friday, please let me know and
I can hook you up with a place to stay.
If you're gonna spend saturday night let me know too bc i can arrange a place
then. Bring as many peeps as you want but PLEASE, PLEASE, tell me in
advance, so I can get a count and get the right amount of food, arrange stay,
etc. Also, if anyone has some shred videos they want to bring we can have a
movie night (maybe? hmmm....) Otherwise we will be forced to resort to
partying (maybe BOTH? hmm....). So Contact me ASAP, events closin' in......
Copy and paste this for mapquest map of the campus location
or type in:
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
for specific driving directions from your location.
Hotels as well as anything else in Tallahassee can be found at
Hope this helps :)
Created Wednesday, December 24th, 2003, 09:52pm (PST); last
update Monday, August 17th, 2015, 03:37am (PDT).