The following are independent sites that you may want to check out if you're
interested in footbag and similar sports. (Footbag WorldWide
makes no guarantees or claims about these sites, but we
recommend you give them a look.) To suggest your site for inclusion
on this list, click here.
Footbag Qu?bec (French)
- The best resource for the sport of footbag net for French speakers. Part of Footbag WorldWide's international network.
footbag.hu (Hungarian)
- The source of information for footbag in Hungary, with a great deal of content from footbag.org translated into Hungarian. A part of the Footbag WorldWide international network.
Canadian Footbag Alliance
- An information and product website for footbag aficionados in Canada. Part of the Footbag WorldWide international network.
Israeli Footbag Association
- First source of information and organization for footbag in Israel. A part of the Footbag WorldWide international network.
- Primary footbag site in Australia, part of the Footbag World-Wide international network.
Creative Athletics
- A footbag (and other alternative sports) education,
demonstration, and touring team, with their own catalog of alternative sports
products (including footbags).
Freedom Footbags
Freedom Footbags is the home of the Mr. Sandbag footbag, as well as a large number of freestyle footbag videos.
Polish Footbag Association
- The primary footbag information resource in Poland. If you want to know what's going on in Poland, first check this site. Part of the Footbag WorldWide international network.
Chaos Footbag
- Chaos Footbag is dedicated to practicing, promoting, and teaching the sport of footbag net, and is based the San Francisco - Oakland - Bay Area, California, USA.
- Flipsider.com - a great new website for footbag freestyle shredders (and other alternative sports), run by Ellis Piltz.
Flying Clipper Footbags
- Makers of the "Juice" freestyle bag, and many more high quality professional
footbag products.
Funtastik Online
- One of the oldest retailers of footbag products on the east coast of the United States, with an online store for footbags and other alternative sports products.
A site where you can read online "Footbag Dance" (a beginner's instruction book) and a research paper about the benefits of eye-foot coordination, both written by "Danceman" Steve Blough, as well as an on-line catalog containing a range of leather and synthetic suede footbags.
Blurry World
- Including the new freestyle game, Shred Session, available to anyone with Flash installed in their browser.
Dallas Footbag
- A freestyle-specific website with tons of freestyle videos, records, and other information. Part of the Footbag WorldWide network, run by the Dallas Footbag Club.
Footbag New Zealand
- New Zealand's premier footbag information source. Includes a forum, details on the top players and upcoming events.
Footbag Museum
- Footbag Museum was created to help promote the Footbag Hall of Fame, footbag's history and the sport of footbag.
www.planetfootbag.com (German, Swiss)
- planetfootbag is a Swiss-German project. We sell quality footbags and provide the german speaking footbagszene with news, footbags and lots of tipps and tricks esp. on how to found official clubs in Germany. Our main goal is to support the footbagsport. ...choose da bag...
- Reference site for all footbag net players, with the newests videos from the IFPA & Airtimes productions, including official world net seeding & personal stats for all open net players.
The Modified Forum - Modified.in is an online footbag community (aka online forum). Share stories, shredding tips and video clips with footbaggers around the world.
Vasek Klouda - The home of one of the most influential and best-known footbag players ever in the history of the sport. Visit his website to see videos and other information on freestyle footbag, freestyle football, and beatboxing!
Dragonfly Footbags - A website for beginners at footbag including an on-line catalog of inexpensive footbags.
Flying Aces Pro Frisbee Team - Website of the Flying Aces Pro Frisbee Show, Tricks & Kicks Pro Footbag Show, and Flying Aces Frisbee Dog Show.
elemental footbags - A site to purchase a large range of freestyle footbags in Australia. Site includes videos and links to the world's top footbag sites.
acefootbags - Footbag products, videos and news from the Australian Footbag scene.
Profootbag.ru - The biggest site about footbag in russian web. Both freestyle and net updates, photos and videos. Only in russian language for now, english version coming soon.
ProKicker - A bilingual (French-English) site with lots of info on the Quebec net players.
Including products and offers for workshops and demos in Eastern Canada. Videos and photos.
Footbag SA - A Footbag website for South Australians and the Footbag SA club!
Footbagger.co.uk - UK Footbag site dedicated to getting kicking well and truly going in Britain. Also offers footbags for sale.
FireHacks - FireHacks are footbags made to be lit on fire. Check out our Video.
Brisbane City Sessions - A reference point for Queensland footbaggers to view (and post) session info, to help promote the sport of footbag within Queensland. Enabling them to enjoy the best sport in the world with some of the best people in the world... Other footbaggers.
Vert4 - Skateboards, footbags, and much more.
WebSlinger's Lair - Footbag website of Jan Weber - multi-time world champion. Website also includes photos, videos and demo presentation.
zoopersmooth - General footbag information about footbag in Germany (including footbags, videos, etc.).
Spinning Bees - A company specializing in freestyle disc instruction and demonstration.
Paddle Battle - 1 to 12 players can play Paddle Battle, an intensely fast moving, eye-hand-foot coordination game that extends the skill sets of players who love to hack.