Seattle Juggling and Footbag Festival 4

Event Listing

Seattle Juggling and Footbag Festival 4 (unapproved)


Alex Zerbe

Phone: 360.705.2899
Olympia, WA
Meadowbrook Community Center
Seattle, Washington, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
Shred 30, Most Rippin Run and Big 3 
Intermediate and Open
5-ball endurance, combat, cool trick, quarter juggling and more

An assortment of juggling and footbag workshops
Welcome to the Fourth Annual Seattle Juggling and Footbag Festival. The SJFF is the only event of it's kind anywhere in the world. It brings together footbaggers and jugglers to share ideas and have fun. The SJFF is one of the largest North American Footbag events and features some of the worlds top players. Past Festivals have included...
Peter Irish
Lon Smith
Jim Penske
Allan Hagget
and Steve Goldberg, just to name a few.
There will also be workshops so you can learn practice techniques from the best.

The Festival also features two live shows. An open mic for jugglers, footbaggers and other artists on Friday night and a professional variety show featuring some of Seattle's best entertainment on Saturday night. This is an event not to be missed. Please check out the website.
Event Details:
Please see the event's website
Created Friday, October 7th, 2005, 11:40am (PDT); last update Friday, October 7th, 2005, 11:40am (PDT).
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