Net: Open Doubles
1. cory current/john leys *open champs 2. mike mccarthy/jermey mirken 3. tommy carls/ken hamric 4. ben alston/walt houston 5. elliott johns/ben valentine 6. alex grammer/emily johns 7. david pollen/mike williams 8. sam conlon/tina lewis 9. robert creel/chris *intermediate champs special thanks to everyone that helped in organizing the event and to those who traveled many miles to be with us over the fantastic weekend. in the most literal sense, mud island finally lived up to it's name.
DRIVING & PARKING: Mud Island River Park 125 North Front Street Memphis, TN 38103 Parking is tricky. So once you reach Mud Island you'll come to a tollbooth & just tell them that you're competing in the footbag tournament. Next, proceed through and park to the left on the giant sloping boat dock. Then, walk along the drive behind the ampitheather for the rest of the way & we'll see you soon. HOTEL INFO: We are not booking hotel rooms, however, we are offering crash space to those travellers seeking it. Please try to let me know in advance if you need a place to stay for Friday or Saturday night, so we can be sure to have enough room. REGISTRATION FEE: $20 & includes a t-shirt EVENT SCHEDULE: 14th - Doubles: Open Competition 10:00 - Sign up & warm up 11:00 - Competition begins 2:30 - Competition ends/Intermission for the finalists 3:00 - Finals Match EVENT SCHEDULE: 15th - Free for all (or Rain Day) 10:00 - show up and kick ??:?? - quit & go home TOURNAMENT FORMAT:(depends on turnout) round robin = 11 teams or less pool format = 12 teams or more