This event is the beginning of our spring membership campaign
to recruit new kickers in Nashville. We've got a small talented
group of footbaggers who've been kicking for a number of years,
but we need to work at promoting the sport as much as possible.
We're going to make an effort to have a jam somewhere in the
region on a bi-monthly basis. What on Earth are you waiting for?
hurry up and get to Nashville!
Event Details:
Where: Centennial Park 2500 West End Avenue in Downtown Nashville
We're kicking in the West section of the park by the Parthenon.
When: Saturday May 19th
Times: Noon - ?????
Created Friday, April 27th, 2007, 06:34am (PDT); last
update Friday, May 18th, 2007, 02:34pm (PDT).