Olympia Jam and Rippin Run Contest $$

Event Listing

Olympia Jam and Rippin Run Contest $$


Alex Zerbe

E-mail: alexzerbe@comcast.net
Alias: zerbalicious@footbag.org
Phone: 360.705.2899
Olympia, WA
Yelm High School - 1315 Yelm Ave. W - Yelm, WA
Olympia, Washington, USA
Host Club:
Events Offered:
This is going to be a casual jam with a rippin' run contest 
in front of a live audience to end the event
This event is a great opportunity for Portland and Seattle freestylers to meet in the middle to play and win some prize money. We're have a great space to play during the day. The rippin' run contest will take place that evening in a beautiful theater in front of a live audience. This is a great opportunity to expose footbag to hundreds of people that have never seen it before. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
Event Details:
Rippin Run will start around 7:00 pm
Created Monday, February 25th, 2008, 11:27am (PST); last update Thursday, April 3rd, 2008, 11:22pm (PDT).
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