Andrew Grant.
Summer, 2006. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 158 secs.)
Footbag in Winnipeg (compared to shredding in shorts outdoors the day before leaving Toronto for Christmas...). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 34 secs.)
Erik: Toronto condo solo session, just after starting to play again after 2 years of injury-induced abstinence
First spinning DLO [both sides]; alpine merkon [both sides]; pdx tap > tap [both sides]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 114 secs.)
FAT (Footbag Association of Toronto):
My Toronto crew. Me, Josh Lackey, and Adam Greenwood. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 384 secs.)
Erik: some pants shred on the way home from picking up some groceries, down the street (Toronto). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 90 secs.)
Mike Faille + me. Cameo appearance by Matthew Cross of the RFA. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 207 secs.)
Matthew Cross special. Music by Matthew Cross. First ever montage [both sides]; riptide BSOS; fairy swirling pixie butterfly... Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 242 secs.)
Mike Faille, from mandatory biweekly shred with Mike Faille. Butterfly X2; osis X2; ducking osis. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 144 secs.)
Me. The first video of me trying to play hard gain since my two year injury-induced hiatus. I made this, like, the night after seeing Swollen Members in concert on College St., in Toronto :)
First ever ripped warrior BSOS; spinning DLO + gyro DLO BSOS; first ever matador BSOS. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 323 secs.)
[Honourary] FAT:
Johnny Suderman + Erik Chan.
Johnny came to visit me at my condo in Toronto. Shred in my rec centre. Music by my brother.
Flip alpine matador; fusing legover; fury BSOS; nemesis. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 344 secs.)
Kingston Invitational Circle Kicking And Shred Symposium 2. Intro to a longer project that I am still planning to finish some day. Features players like Dave "Cleaver" Clavens, Scott "Flash Gordon" Bevier, Will Digges, "Slick" Nick Laroche, etc. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 104 secs.)
Kingston Invitational Circle Kicking And Shred Symposium 2. Chapter 1: Will Digges. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 173 secs.)
Kingston Invitational Circle Kicking And Shred Symposium 2. Chapter 2: RFA's Chris Dean + Aric McIntosh. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 377 secs.)
KICKASS 2: Chapter 3: Nick Laroche. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 164 secs.)
KICKASS 2: Chapter 4: Scott "Flash Gordon" Bevier. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 305 secs.)