Front Back
The Front Back is Will Guyette's signature move! Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Whip Sweep or Scissor Sweep
The Mouse Trap
This is a version of a standing pull down, where you drive the bag at your opponent's backcourt or body. Performed P.T. Lovern. Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 4 secs.)
Side Axe or Shtataf
This a great move to use when the bag falls on you opponents side. . Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Hit the bag with the outside part of you foot. Scuff performed by Will Guyette. Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 6 secs.)
Toe Spike
This is a toe spike. You must get your toe on top of the bag as you swing downward. Rotation of your hips is crucial when executing this move. This shot is performed by Will Guyette AKA Tobra Commander or is he GI Toe. I can't remember. Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Roll Spike
Kids don't try this one at home. You must scissor your non-spiking leg to and finish with the toe on spiking leg flying on your front side. This shot is an advanced bicycle kick. Performed by Eric Wulff. Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Mouse Trap
Here is another mouse trap, performed by P.T. Lovern. Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 4 secs.)
Roll Sweep
Here is a variation of a roll spike. You hit the bag with a sweep(inside) instead of the toe. The spike performed by Manu Bouchard. Video by P.T. Lovern.
(Playing time 6 secs.)
Tan's Roll Spike