Jody Welch, Women's Net Champion 2003
2003 Footbag Hall of Fame in Praha
Inductee's in Praha(Prague):Eric Wulff, Brenda Solonoski,Peter Shunny, and rippin' Rick Reese . Photo by Ted Huff.
Vasek Klouda, World Champion
2003 World Freestyle Finals . Photo by Ted Huff.
Vasek's record score
SemiFinals of 2003 World Freestyle Championships. The picture tells the story. Photo by Ted Huff.
Bruce Guettich - 3rd in World Singles Net !
Bruce, Director of WFA, reaches highest World ranking since 1983 !
Way to keep going hard at it again! Photo by Ted Huff.
Manu, 6 time World Singles Net Champion
"Manu" shows why he is the best, and that any Net Championship still goes through him in Montreal. Photo by Ted Huff.
Yves Archambault spikes in Net Doubles
World Champion . Photo by Ted Huff.
Ales & Vasek
flying finn !
Eric Wulff - Spikes in Praha Worlds 2003
Genz and Reese - Worlds 2003
Greg Nelson and Sam Conlon -Worlds 2003
Ales, freestyle www.jpg
Andres - doubles net www.jpg
Bruce and Jimmy C vs. PT and John.jpg
Chris Siebert www.jpg
doubles final duel www.jpg
Doubles net quarterfinals www.jpg
Jake, doubles net finals www.jpg
Jane & Alex freestyle www.JPG
Jane & Alex Zerbe www.JPG
John Leys spikes www.jpg
John vs Manu duel www.jpg
Julie duels Manu in Praha finals ! www.
Kenny in Praha www.jpg
Manu and John duel www.jpg
Manu finals www.jpg
Masa !.jpg
mixed doubles net champions.jpg
intermediate doubles net champions.jpg
Peter Irish 2003 worlds www.jpg
PT Lovern spike www.jpg
PT vs. Manu www.jpg
Rick Kaufman & Eric Wulff www.jpg
Sunil www.jpg
Swiss women's freestyle doubles www.jpg
Tomas ,Worlds Director 2003 www.jpg
Tuan and Sunil www.jpg
Vasek & Ales 2003 doubles www.JPG
Vasek Klouda in the Worlds 2003 Finals
Vasek Klouda record setting semifinals w
Yves and Manu, world champions www.jpg