The second installment.
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Julie Symons
Julie Symons (Santa Clara, California) goes up for her
trademark outside "scuff" during finals day at La Ronde. This
was the third-place women's singles play-off. Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Sam Conlon & Lisa McDaniel
Women's doubles freestyle team Sam Conlon (San Francisco) and Lisa
McDaniel (Berkeley, California) entered the "open" division again
this year. They placed 4th with a stellar routine that readily
displaced many of the men's teams. Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Eric Wulff
Eric Wulff (San Francisco, California) is photogenic as ever while
executing this flying clipper in his winning singles freestyle routine
on Saturday night. This was Eric's first year winning the world singles
title. Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Justin Sexton wins Mike Marshall Award
Justin Sexton (left, of Helsinki, Finland) is presented the
Mike Marshall award by Bruce Guettich (center, of Steamboat
Springs, Colorado) and local organizer Yves Archambault.
The Mike Marshall award is given each year in recognition to
an individual who works beyond the call of duty in promoting
and/or competing in footbag sports. It is in memory of Mike
Marshall, the sport's founding visionary and co-inventor of the "hacky sack".
Justin has single-handedly built the Finnish Footbag Association,
a thriving club that brought 10 athletes to this year's event. Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Emmanuel Bouchard
In what was to be one of three victories at this year's
Worlds, local Montrealite Emmanuel Bouchard (left) goes up for
yet another "toe-jam" as San Mateo, California's david Butcher
attempts the block. Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Sebastien Verdy
With La Ronde's rollercoaster in the background,
Sebastien Verdy (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) contorts himself
yet again for an unseemly "shtataff" as Danny Borsky
(Vancouver, B.C., Canada) falls away. Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Emmanuel Bouchard & Sebastien Verdy
Winning this year's open doubles net title is the unstoppable team of Emmanuel Bouchard (in the air) and Sebastien
Verdy (both of Montreal). They defeated Danny Borsky (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) and Andrew Morgan (Montreal) in
the first ever all-Canadian final in the 26 years of this event. Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Battle in Montreal
Emmanu?l Bouchard (near court) knocks the bag out of the way as S?bastien Verdi (far court) attempts to poach during the mixed doubles net finals at the World Footbag Championships in 1998. Jody Welch (S?ba's partner) can be seen trying to find the bag, so she can dig it up. Won't happen for this point, but Jody and S?ba will win the game! (Bruce Guettich, president of the World Footbag Association, looks on.). Photo by Pierre Frigon.
Copyright © 1998, AQAF / Pierre Frigon