James Randall - Triple Over Down
James is crazy. He's also really good at footbag too. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 6 secs.)
James Randall - Triple Over Down (second time around)
Yeah folks. He's so crazy good he hits it for the second time soon after. Crazy mofo! Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Lilac City Footbag Presents . . . Itself
This is a video made up of members from Lilac City Footbag, including James Randall, Mario Robles, and Brad Milton. Intermediate shred. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 238 secs.)
Double Down>Pdx Whirl>PS whirl
Double Down>Pdx Whirl>PS whirl
Sick 3. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 8 secs.)
infinity tears
This took me over an hour and a half straight to hit, infinity swirl bsos
I was reduced to tears. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 19 secs.)
I hit smog, yay. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 7 secs.)
Pixie Swirl
Also hit this move, very sweet. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 7 secs.)
inside rev. swirl
Inside del>same front swirl, nice. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 7 secs.)
Inside delay ripstein, quite possible instein/einstein anyone?. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 7 secs.)
Blurriest, The :(
Eh, its the, but hey you get teh point. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 7 secs.)
Janiwalker (attempt)
I think this might be my first clean barrage set, just one problem, I can't get it up! Well I can get it up, just . . . nevermind. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 5 secs.)
Marius Attempt
One of 400 footers at Marius. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 4 secs.)
Pixie. Video by JR.
(Playing time 8 secs.)
boom shaka
copyright nate linscott. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
CSS6 Jon'
Jim + Lon = Jon' (zhh-e-on) ;)
Colorado Shred Symposium 6 - Jon' featuring Jim Penske and Lon Smith shredding it up at this years CSS6 in the beautiful city of Denver, CO Song: Lifesavas - Hellohihey. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 354 secs.)
CSS6 - Jon'
Jim + Lon = Jon' (zhh-e-on) ;) Colorado Shred Symposium 6 - Jon' featuring Jim Penske and Lon Smith shredding it up at this years CSS6 in the beautiful city of Denver, CO Song: Lifesavas - Hellohihey High quality version. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 354 secs.)
Dexter = Penske
Battle Video the first vs Joey Polish, featuring Jim Penske. Song: The Avalanches - Frontier Psychologist. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 276 secs.)
Colorandall Shred Symposium 6
Yep, thats me, yet not. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 302 secs.)
Lon's Epishred
Lon is king! He plays footbag, and does it mighty well. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 305 secs.)
MFJ - Feelstyle Friday.Shred
Some of me talking shiz on everyone at MFJ 3. Byrin is alright at foozbag. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 450 secs.)
fugazi. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 900000 secs.)
MFJ - Feelstyle Friday.Shred highqual
blah blah blah, read stuff. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 450 secs.)
Jim Penske - WhirlyGig>Spinning P Blender>Food Processor
dats whats sis sayss. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 24 secs.)
3rd Annual Montana Freestyle Jam
Boomshakalaka. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 600 secs.)
3rd Annual Montana Freestyle Jam
beastly links the first-nost. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 250 secs.)
Epic.SatSesh (quicktime)
Doobie doo wop. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 250 secs.)
Penske and his 6'ers
if . Video by James Randall.
Random MFJ Shiz
Footage Jimmy Jam sent me, made into a quick little vid. Video by James Randall.
(Playing time 255 secs.)