Big Apple
I've always loved Torques, so hitting Big Apple is like touching heaven for me. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
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While it was my first 7 add trick, it's still one of my favorite. My dream is to hit it bsos one day... one day... (done it now :P). Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Gyro Miraging PS Illusion
Not something that I expected to hit that session. It started by me working on Miraging Flails to help with DLOs. What started as that quickly turned out to be something a whole lot bigger... Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
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Definitely one of my favorite tricks. It also happens to be one of my hardest. I don't know how Vasek can hit Blurry Barroque :/. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Ducking Scorpion's Tail
Requested by Kevin (qphox) one nite, it surprisingly didn't take me very long to hit this trick. Very fancy. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
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Furious sets. I love them AND hate them. They feel awesome and lead to huge tricks. Unfortunately, they are hard on my knees. That doesn't stop me from hitting the occasional Janiwalker though. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
Pdx Mofly
Kind of a fluke I guess. I was only experimenting that day with Pdx Miraging components and after hitting Voodoo, I went a bit further and ended up busting this. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 4 secs.)
Ducking Void
Requested by Chris May (Shredster), I didn't think I'd be able to hit this but within the first few close attempts I knew it was possible. I'm surprised that I hit this, though, seeings how I haven't hit Vertigo yet. Sorry for the bad lighting :/. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Spinning Pdx Symple Blender
Inspired by Ryan Thomas (ThomASS). I was doing really well with Blenders that day, and decided to go for it. After a few attempts, it all fell in place. Sorry for the car being in the way. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
Pixie Miraging Flail
Next to Pigbeater, I think this is probably my best toe - toe trick. Unfortunately the last dex looks to be 'the', even if the camera angle isn't the best. . Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
The loud clap you hear is actually my dex'ing leg hitting against the other leg. Ouchies. Nonetheless, I got it :). Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
Blurry Blender
Blurry Blender. Yup, I finally was able to get it on video. It was shortly after this that I hurt my knee :/. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Ripped Warrior
I don't know what to say about this one. I am normally not very good at ducking my stepping sets, but this one particular evening I was doing it pretty good. . Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Double Blender
Indeed. It hurts my knees to do Whirrs and Double Blenders, so no more of that. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
Tapping Torque
Another Torqueish trick. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
Neutron Smasher
Gyro Torquescrew
Symposium Torque
For James :). Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
o_O. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Spinning Double Switch
Gyro Blender
Just a silly attempt. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
Motion Sickness
Feeling... so... dizzy... :). Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 3 secs.)
Attempt of Gyro Janiwalker
Spinning Matador attempt
Arg, stupid crappy quality :(. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 2 secs.)
TATW attempt
Gyro Barroque
The Real TATW attempt
Radiative ss Mirage + attempt.wmv
Some new tricks. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 15 secs.)
Spinning Ducking Swivel
Surging Ducking Torque
:). Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 9 secs.)
Surging Ducking Symp Whirl
:). Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 39 secs.)
Blurry Flurry
Big Trick! Third dex pretty close to not being there... Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 20 secs.)
BS Gravedigger
Spin WW
DT Loco.wmv
Downtime Locomotion. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 4 secs.)
DS WL'ing Rake
An attempt. Video by Byrin Wylie.
(Playing time 4 secs.)