Sketchy Footbag
Another t-shirt design that I made. I really like the style of the overlapping lines. The pose was a little awkward though (as some are in footbag). I may end up doing some other poses in this style. I'm going to get some fabric paint/markers and try putting this on a t-shirt. . Photo by Rory Dawson.
The 2nd t-shirt design that I made. I originally designed this one for the silk screening before I knew how basic silk screening actually worked . I really like the pose in this one (and the shades ). When I'm making this into a t-shirt I may also add my footbag club's name under the gfx to make an L shape with freestyle. . Photo by Rory Dawson.
It's a butterfly! I made this for art class when we did silk screening. This was the third and most simple design that I made as my teacher rejected all the other ones because of their complexity > . (only had a 2 hour session with the equipment). I think the t-shirts came out ok. I'm going to wear em all the time. . Photo by Rory Dawson.
Footbag Flyer
A delicious flyer I made to promote the Edmonton Footbag Club. Photo by Rory Dawson.
Poster for a Footbag DEMO
lalala. Photo by Rory Dawson.
Rizzah Route
1:45. Photo by Rory Dawson.
Team Zedbra
Rory and Jessika. Photo by Rory Dawson.
ShrEdmonton 2007 Poster
woohoo. Photo by Rory Dawson.
ShrEdmonton 2005
ShrEdmonton 2k5 T-shirt design. Photo by Rory Dawson.
ShrEdmonton 2006
ShrEdmonton 26k t-shirt design. Photo by Rory Dawson.
???. Photo by Rory Dawson.