Footbag Net action shots from the 15th Annual Emerald City Open, held on June 6th and 7th at Lid Park in Mercer Island, Washington. These are collected photographs from the Sound Footwork Footbag Club in Seattle, Washington.
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Patrick Asswad (Montreal, Quebec)
John Leys (Cotati, CA), Jim Derricott (Vancouver, B.C.)
John Leys (Cotati, CA), Jim Derricott (Vancouver, B.C.)
James Holkko (Vancouver, B.C.)
Jim Derricott (Vancouver, B.C.)
Yossarian Kelley (Seattle, WA)
david Butcher (San Mateo, CA)
Andy Ronald (Vancouver, B.C.)
david Butcher (San Mateo, CA), Jake Leong (Vancouver, B.C.)
David Bernard (Portland, OR), Andy Ronald (Vancouver, B.C.)
Patrick Asswad (Montréal, Quebec)
David Bernard (Portland, OR)
Patrick Asswad (Montréal, Quebec), Andy Ronald (Vancouver, B.C.)
John Leys (Cotati, CA), Steve Dusablon (Portland, OR)
John Leys (Cotati, CA)
Geneviéve Bousquet (Montréal, Quebec)
Paul Lovern (Richmond, CA), David Bernard (Portland, OR)
Paul Lovern (Richmond, CA), David Bernard (Portland, OR)
david Butcher (San Mateo, CA)
Lisa McDaniel (Berkeley, CA), Amy Westberg (Tempe, AZ)
Copyright © 1998, Mike Grueter