These are photos taken by ace footbag photog. John Caveney
during the 1994 World Championships in Menlo Park and San Francisco,
Alf Marcussen
Alf Marcussen goes airborne for a thrashing spike during preliminaries at the '94 Worlds in Menlo Park, California, July,
1994. Photo by John Caveney. Photo by John Caveney.
Carol Wedemeyer
Carol Wedemeyer (San Francisco) arrives on the scene with a powerful freestyle performance in the Burgess Park
gymnasium in Menlo Park, California, during the 1994 World Footbag Championships. Photo by John Caveney. Photo by John Caveney.
Jake Leong
Jake Leong (Vancouver, Canada) executes a flawless sole-push during finals at Golden Gate Park (San Francisco) during
the '94 Worlds. Photo by John Caveney. Photo by John Caveney.
Mixed Doubles Finals
Lisa McDaniel (El Cerrito, California) prepares to dig a spike by Brent Welch (Mountain View, California) during mixed
doubles finals at the '94 Worlds in San Francisco. Photo by John Caveney. Photo by John Caveney.
Rippin' Rick Reese
"Rippin' Rick" Reese exhibits his flawless form with a freestyle demonstration between finals matches at the '94 Worlds
in Golden Gate Park. Photo by John Caveney. Photo by John Caveney.
Sam Conlon
Sam Conlon (El Cerrito, California) receives a roaring ovation after another beautiful freestyle performance before throngs
of on-lookers at the '94 Worlds. Photo by John Caveney. Photo by John Caveney.
Doubles Freestyle
Michigan's Jay Moldenhauer and Greg Nelson perform an encore of their winning routine in team freestyle at the '94
Worlds. Photo by John Caveney. Photo by John Caveney.
Copyright © 1994, John Caveney and WWFF, Inc.