This my 5th pair of Rod Lavers. I have found that in every pair I've worn that the arch support was causing my feet to cramp up and that the stock insole did not provide sufficient shock abosrbtion. In this mod I'll remove the stock insole and remove the foam arch support . Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
For tools I recomend an x-acto knife with plenty of new blades and a sharp pair of scissors. The insole I chose is Dr. Scholls Double Air-Pillo. Not nearly as effective as a gel insole but much cheaper and easier to cut with a built in guide. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Remove the laces. Open up the shoe and look for the raised part of the insole where the instep is. I've found that this is the best place to start pulling because there isn't much adhesive and offers the best grip . Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Place the pointer and middle fingers of each hand in between the insole and canvas. Your thumbs should be on the outside, around the edge of the sole for leverage. With your fingers, start prying the insole away working your way acoss the shoe. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
You can start to use more fingers as the space allows. Soon you'll have pulled enough of the insole out to get a grip of the area near the heel. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Once you're able to get a good grip on the heel of the insole you can start pulling from the back of the shoe to the front. One hand pulls while the other will pry, If you plan on just removing the foam arch, just pull out enough for you to work on removing it. Otherwise remove the insole completely from the shoe. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
If you are not planning to put the insole back, skip this part entirely. If you are, then take the x-acto knife and start peeling away at the foam arch. Eventually you can use your fingers to pull it off. It doesn't always come out in one piece so use the knife to help with any stuborm parts that stick around. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.