I've been playing for a few years whenever it's warm. You can learn lots in a few months. Contact me if you wanna play. We can hook up wherever - by our spots or by your school/house. Don't worry if you suck. We all suck in this sport (relative to someone). That's the beauty of it - so many goals to reach and exceed.
I started hacking the summer before I started high school at Lane tech and played alot - and I mean alot. Soon I was the best hacker in the world...until I met Zeke. I was always looking for other people to play with. I found a tournament finally - just so happens it was Worlds! In addition to being exposed to freestyle for the first time ever, I met up with Zeke again. I didn't realize how small my scope for footbag had been. After World's I officially started freestyling, watching vids, and we created CIC.
It is so great living in chicago, especially for footbag. We kick all over the city with some nice scenery all over the place.