
In 1996 Peter Irish was already a footbag freestyle legend. For that reason, it is Peter's image that Martin Cote used when designing this fantastic graphic logo for the footbag community. This time it was the World Footbag Championships of 1996 in Montreal, Quebec CAN
Peter "the Executioner" Irish 5 time World Singles Freestyle Champion Original Big Add Posse Member (College Park, MD, USA)
Perceptible to the casual onlooker is the graceful and tantalizing rhythm of
footbag freestyle. Tap, tap, tap, the sack drums a gentle beat through the
air as a lone disciple floats a few basic kicks. This seemingly pedestrian
exercise accompanies the building of expectations; lights slowly brighten.
New faces in the crowd have no idea what they are about to see. The crowd
recognizes a spot-lit figure, and as he pauses a roar erupts throughout the
building. The dance begins. What follows is a dazzling sequence of
showmanship, of accuracy, agility and balance, centered around thirty-eight
grams of cloth, string, and plastic. Cameras flash unceasingly for two full
minutes as the covers of magazines, websites and T-shirts are all made for
the next year. We've seen this before; for five-time World Singles
Freestyle Champion Peter Irish is no stranger to this rapt attention. Each
year, his performances make the faint hearted quake.
Every year, judges sweat at the prospect of keeping track of this man. The
only question that remains is, how will he stymie the audience and surpass
his competition this time? What unheard-of task will he set before himself?
At the final rounds of the World Freestyle Championships 2002, at the
prestigious Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, California, someone is
going to forget to breathe.