FOOTBAG ERIE is just a bunch of people who love to kick. The idea of starting
FOOTBAG ERIE was to unify kickers from the greater Erie Pennsylvania area,
to spread the word about the sport and to become better kickers.
From the thaw in spring to the chill of fall, the members of FOOTBAG ERIE go,
go, go. Our members travel all over the north eastern states like New Jersey,
and Maryland to visit other footbag-ers and to attend tournaments. Some,
including the one and the only, footbag legend, JACK LENTZ (aka Hacky Sack
Jack), even travel as far as Europe for the Footbag Worlds Tournament.
We are fans of a full spectrum of foot sports. We actively play and compete in
Freestyle, Net, Golf, and even Four Square. We practice at a number of places
around town. There is no schedule, we get together when the weather is good
and when we have the time to show up. We try to get together AT LEAST once a week.
Oh but that's not all, we also offer demonstrations. Whether for the general public or special groups, the FOOTBAG ERIE crew has has traveled all over to give informative demonstration. We have worked with area high schools, private groups, and even Job Corps located in New York State.
Our presentations offer a wealth of information including: The history of footbag Explanations of the various footbag sports and tournaments, Explanations of the health benefits of footbag (Often, our demos are used to encourage children to be more physically active and to offer an alternative form of physical therapy to those who need it), And of course, the demos! Not only will we show what we've got but we work with the group, and allow them to get involved and have a little hands on fun.
We work for hourly rates or per event. If you are interested contact JACK LENTZ for booking.
Kicking Times and Locations
FRONTIER PARK - 6th Street near Green Garden Blvd.
LIBERTY PARK - The foot of Liberty St. along the Bayfront Pkwy.
For More Information:
FOOTBAG ERIE has its own home page on the World-Wide Web, where you can find more detailed information.
Click here to go to the club's home page.
Created Sat Apr 5 14:40:16 2003; last
update Fri Aug 27 17:20:02 2010.